Hymn List

This is a list of all hymns sung for Sunday and other special Masses, so I hope it may help others pick hymns for a specific liturgical week. The 3 year cycle of readings in the Roman Catholic Church means that the same week/year will always have the same readings. We always try to use hymns from the various liturgy planners (mainly from Diocese of Southwark Music Committee plus the Decani Music Liturgy Planner) to suit the readings of the day.  The list is as complete as possible from Epiphany in Year B (2018), so is almost complete except that Year A in 2020 was somewhat disrupted by Covid restrictions etc. I will gradually add ot the list as time goes on, so it should eventually contain at least one entry for each week/year combination (the list was last updated to include the 3rd Sunday in Easter 2022).

You can use the filters for week and year to add to the list, click again on the value and it’ll be removed.  Unfortunately I’ve not always been consistent, e.g. 1st Sunday in Advent vs 1st Sunday of Advent, but may correct that in due course.   Some Christmas Midnight Mass and other ‘special’ big Masses were recorded on a separate sheet due to the number of hymns etc, so aren’t in the database.

WeekYearDateEntranceKyrieGloriaPsalmGospel AcclamationOffertoryHoly, HolyMem AcclamationAmenLamb of GodCommunionReserveRecessional
27th Sunday in OTA2017-10-08 00:00:00Here I am LordOld Book 367Number 1011SaidNumber 932When I surveyOld Book 367See missalette-Old Book 367Love Divine, All loves excellingHoly Virgin, by God’s decree
29th Sunday in OTA2017-10-22 00:00:00Holy God, we praise thy nameOld Book 366Number 1011SaidAlleluia (Celtic)Be thou my visionOld Book 366See missalette-Old Book 366Shine, Jesus, ShineImmaculate Mary
Christmas - Midnight MassB2017-12-24 00:00:00Come to the MangerRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)What shall we giveNew CelticO Come Let Us Adore Him (520)-New CelticBread of LifeThe First NowellAngels we have heard
EpiphanyB2018-01-07 00:00:00We three kingsSaidMass of CreationSaidAlleluia (Celtic)The First NowellNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO worship the Lord in the beauty of HolinessChrist be our Light
2nd Sunday in OTB2018-01-14 00:00:00Here I am LordSaidMass of CreationSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Seek ye firstNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO the word of my LordI will be with you
3rd Sunday in OTB2018-01-21 00:00:00The Light of ChristSaidMass of CreationSaidAlleluia (Celtic)All that I amNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticDear Lord and Father of MankindGo tell everyone
4th Sunday in OTB2018-01-28 00:00:00Christ is made a sure foundationSaidMass of CreationSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Blest are the pure in heartNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticBe still, for the presence of the Lord 972)Thou whose almighty word
5th Sunday in OTB2018-02-04 00:00:00Gather us InSaidMass of CreationSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Blessed be GodNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticWe cannot measure how you healO Worship The King
6th Sunday in OTB2018-02-11 00:00:00Amazing GraceSaidMass of CreationSaidAlleluia (Celtic)All my hope on God is foundedNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticThe cry of the poorPraise my soul, the King of Heaven
1st Sunday in LentB2018-02-18 00:00:00Forty days and forty nightsSaidNo GloriaSaidAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO praise our Great and Gracious LordLead us heavenly Father, lead us
2nd Sunday in LentB2018-02-25 00:00:00Here I am LordSaidNo GloriaSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Immortal, InvisibileNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticI am the bread of lifeBe thou my vision
3rd Sunday in LentB2018-03-04 00:00:00Christ TriumphantSaidNo GloriaSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Lord your word abidethNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticChrist is made a sure foundationLord for tomorrow and it's needs
4th Sunday in LentB2018-03-11 00:00:00Servant KingSaidNo GloriaSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Take our breadNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticLord, your love has drawn us nearChrist be our Light
5th Sunday in LentB2018-03-18 00:00:00Love divine, all loves excellingSaidNo GloriaSaidAlleluia (Celtic)See us Lord about thy tableNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticSoul of my saviourWhen I survey the wondrous cross
Passion SundayB2018-03-25 00:00:00HosannaRussian (923)No GloriaSungPraise to you O Christ (416)All Glory, Laud and HonourNew CelticWe proclaim…New CelticNew CelticMy Song is Love unknownJesus Remember MeRide on, ride on in majesty
Holy ThursdayB2018-03-29 00:00:00The King of Love, my Shepherd isRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungA new commandment (verse 1)Take My HandsNew CelticWe proclaim…New CelticNew CelticThis is my bodyWashing Feet: Servant Song (813); Post-communion: Jesus Remember Me (sheet)Of the Glorious Body Telling
Good FridayB2018-03-30 00:00:00See Separate SheetSee Separate SheetSee Separate SheetSee Separate Sheet
Easter VigilB2018-03-31 00:00:00See Separate SheetSee Separate SheetSee Separate SheetSee Separate Sheet
Easter SundayB2018-04-01 00:00:00Jesus Christ is Risen TodayRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)Upon Thy TableRevised Gathering Mass (433)Save us (436)Revised Gathering (437)Revised Gathering (1019)Regina CaeliLaudate Dominum (Taizé) (346); Surrexit Christus (672)Thine be the Glory
2nd Sunday of EasterB2018-04-08 00:00:00Gather us InRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticPraise my soul, the King of HeavenLike a sea without a shore
3rd Sunday of EasterB2018-04-15 00:00:00Christ be our LightRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)Take our breadNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO God, you search meThine be the Glory
4th Sunday of EasterB2018-04-22 00:00:00Alleluia, Sing to JesusRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)Let all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticBecause the Lord is my shepherdThe king of love, my shepherd is
5th Sunday of EasterB2018-04-29 00:00:00All my hope on God is foundedRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)Unless a grain of wheatNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticThis is my bodyJesus Christ is Risen today
6th Sunday of EasterB2018-05-06 00:00:00Now the green blade risethRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)A new commandmentNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticBe thou my visionGod is Love, His the care
The Ascension of the LordB2018-05-10 00:00:00Christ TriumphantRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)Lord accept the gifts we offerNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticNew Praises be GivenAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
Holy TrinityB2018-05-27 00:00:00Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God AlmightyRussian (923)Mass of CreationSungAlleluia (Celtic)Blest are you LordNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticBe still, for the presence of the Lord 972)Father, in my life I seeThou whose almighty word
Corpus ChristiB2018-06-03 00:00:00O Praise our great and gracious LordRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticThis is my bodyAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
10th Sunday in OTB2018-06-10 00:00:00There's a wideness in God's mercyRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Seek ye firstNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticAll my hope on God is foundedLead us, heavenly Father, lead us
11th Sunday in OTB2018-06-17 00:00:00Thou whose almighty wordRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticThe Kingdom of GodWe plough the fields and scatter
Birthday of John the BaptistB2018-06-24 00:00:00Here I am LordRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Blessed be GodNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO God, you search meOn Jordan's Bank
13th Sunday in OTB2018-07-01 00:00:00We cannot measure how you healRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)O God, we give ourselves todayNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticCentre of my lifeNow thank we all our God
14th Sunday in OTB2018-07-08 00:00:00Christ be our LightRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)All that I amNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticDo not be afraidGo tell everyone
15th Sunday in OTB2018-07-15 00:00:00The Servant SongRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Lord accept the gifts we offerNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO the word of my LordI will be with you
16th Sunday in OTB2018-07-22 00:00:00All people that on earth do dwellRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)My God Loves MeNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticFather, in my life I seeLord of all hopefulness
17th Sunday in OTB2018-07-29 00:00:00Gather us InRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticLove Divine, All loves excellingSing of the Lord's Goodness
18th Sunday in OTB2018-08-05 00:00:00Alleluia, Sing to JesusRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Let all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticI am the bread of lifeGuide me, O thou great redeemer
19th Sunday in OTB2018-08-12 00:00:00O Praise our great and gracious LordRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Upon Thy TableNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticSong of the Body of ChristFather and Life-giver
Assumption of the BVMB2018-08-15 00:00:00Holy Virgin, by God's decreeRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)As I kneel before youNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticEat this bread
Father, in my life I seeHail Queen of Heaven
20th Sunday in OTB2018-08-19 00:00:00Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to usRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Gifts of Bread and WineNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticThis is my bodyShine, Jesus, Shine
21th Sunday in OTB2018-08-26 00:00:00The Kingdom of GodRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Lord accept the gifts we offerNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticSoul of my saviourNow in this banquet (refrain only)Guide me, O thou great redeemer
22th Sunday in OTB2018-09-02 00:00:00Blest are the pure in heartRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Seek ye firstNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticCentre of my lifeConfitemini DominoBe thou my vision
23th Sunday in OTB2018-09-09 00:00:00We cannot measure how you healRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Lay your handsNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticThere is a longingPraise my soul, the King of Heaven
24th Sunday in OTB2018-09-16 00:00:00Siya HambaRussian (923)AndersonSungAlleluia Amen (Bra Jesus Ho tune)Meu curacao a para ti senhorSanctus (144)See missalette-Kordero ng diyos (filipino)Bra Jesus HoSom Nyame, Nyame som
Maie Kakuntin Ge Bhorlele
Salve Regina
25th Sunday in OTB2018-09-23 00:00:00Like a child restsRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Take My HandsNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO the word of my LordPraise to the holiest in the height
26th Sunday in OTB2018-09-30 00:00:00Gather us InRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticDo not be afraidGo tell everyone
27th Sunday in OTB2018-10-07 00:00:00Bind us togetherRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Blessed be GodNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticOne bread, One bodyAs I kneel before you
28th Sunday in OTB2018-10-14 00:00:00All my hope on God is foundedRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)All that I amNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticChrist be beside meFollow me
29th Sunday in OTB2018-10-21 00:00:00Servant KingRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Take my lifeNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticServant SongChrist be our Light
30th Sunday in OTB2018-10-28 00:00:00The Light of ChristRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticO God, you search meColours of Day
All Saints DayB2018-11-01 00:00:00For all the saintsRussian (923)New Celtic (966b)SungAlleluia (Celtic)Blessed be GodNew CelticSee missalette-New CelticGather us inGuide me, O thou great redeemer
31st Sunday in OTB2018-11-04 00:00:00A new commandmentRussian (923)Glendalough MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordGlendaloughSee missalette-GlendaloughThis is my bodyAll my hope on God is founded
32nd Sunday in OT (Remembrance Sunday)B2018-11-11 00:00:00Abide with meRussian (923)Glendalough MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)I watch the SunriseGlendaloughSee missalette-GlendaloughDear Lord and Father of MankindLord of all hopefulness
33rd Sunday in OTB2018-11-18 00:00:00O Jesus Christ, RememberRussian (923)Glendalough MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)Let all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceGlendaloughSee missalette-GlendaloughCentre of my lifeShine Jesus Shine
Christ the KingB2018-11-25 00:00:00O Worship the KingRussian (923)Glendalough MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)Majesty, Worship His MajestyGlendaloughSee missalette-GlendaloughThe King shall comeHail Redeemer, King Divine
1st Sunday of AdventC2018-12-02 00:00:00O Come, O Come EmmanuelRussian (923)No GloriaSungAlleluia (Celtic)Let all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceGlendaloughSee missaletteGlendaloughGlendaloughHark a Herald Voice is CallingLike a sea without a shore
2nd Sunday of AdventC2018-12-09 00:00:00Gather us InRussian (923)No GloriaSungAlleluia (Celtic)O comfort my peopleGlendaloughSee missaletteGlendaloughGlendaloughThere is a longingPraise to you, O Christ our Saviour
3rd Sunday of AdventC2018-12-16 00:00:00On Jordan's BankRussian (923)No GloriaSungAlleluia (Celtic)Like a Sea without a ShoreGlendaloughSee missaletteGlendaloughGlendaloughOur God ReignsGo tell everyone
4th Sunday of AdventC2018-12-23 00:00:00The Angel GabrielRussian (923)No GloriaSungAlleluia (Celtic)O comfort my peopleGlendaloughSee missaletteGlendaloughGlendaloughLike a Sea without a ShoreHoly Virgin, by God’s decree
Christmas - Midnight MassC2018-12-24 00:00:00Carols and readings - See separate sheetNo KyrieGlendalough MassChristmas Common Psalm (Sung)Alleluia (Celtic)What shall we giveGlendaloughO Come Let Us Adore Him (520)-GlendaloughBread of LifeThe First NowellAngels we have heard
Christmas DayC2018-12-25 00:00:00Joy to the WorldRussian (923)Glendalough MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)Away in a MangerGlendaloughO Come Let Us Adore Him (520)GlendaloughGlendaloughGod rest you merry, GentlemenHark the Herald Angels Sing
Holy FamilyC2018-12-30 00:00:00Angels we have heardRussian (923)Glendalough MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)What shall we giveGlendaloughSee missaletteGlendaloughGlendaloughInfant HolyUnto us is born a Son
New Year's EveC2018-12-31 00:00:00Immaculate MarySaidGlendalough MassSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Take our breadGlendaloughSee missaletteGlendaloughGlendaloughAs I kneel before youNow thank we all our God
Mary, Mother of GodC2019-01-01 00:00:00Where are you boundRussian ChantGlendalough MassO God, be gracious and bless ussAlleluia (Celtic)As I kneel before youGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassWhat child is thisMy soul rejoices
EpiphanyC2019-01-06 00:00:00O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holinessRussian ChantGlendalough MassAll nations shall fall prostrate before you, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)We three kingsGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassBread of life (Christmas verses)The First Nowell
Baptism of the LordC2019-01-13 00:00:00Here I am LordRussian ChantGlendalough MassThe Lord will bess his people with peaceAlleluia (Celtic)As the deer pantsGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassSing of the Lord's GoodnessSpirit of the Living GodChrist be our Light
2nd Sunday in OTC2019-01-20 00:00:00Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyRussian ChantGlendalough MassProclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peopleAlleluia (Celtic)Gifts of Bread and WineGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassO the Love of the LordHail to the Lord's Anointed
3rd Sunday in OTC2019-01-27 00:00:00The Kingdom of GodRussian ChantGlendalough MassYour words are spirit, Lord, and they are liftAlleluia (Celtic)Lord accept the gifts we offerGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassSee us, Lord, about thine altarOur God Reigns
4th Sunday in OTC2019-02-03 00:00:00Be thou my visionRussian ChantGlendalough MassMy lips will tell of your helpAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassLove Divine, All loves excellingWalk with me, O my Lord
5th Sunday in OTC2019-02-10 00:00:00Here I am LordRussian ChantGlendalough MassBefore the angels I will bless You, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)Take my handsGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBe still, for the presence of the LordFollow me
6th Sunday in OTC2019-02-17 00:00:00Blest are the pure in heartRussian ChantGlendalough MassHappy the man who has put his trust in the LordAlleluia (Celtic)Blessed be GodGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBe thou my visionAll my hope on God is foundedTell out my soul
7th Sunday in OTC2019-02-24 00:00:00The Servant SongRussian ChantGlendalough MassThe Lord is compassion and loveAlleluia (Celtic)Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassLord for tomorrow and it's needsPraise my soul, the King of Heaven
8th Sunday in OTC2019-03-03 00:00:00Seek ye firstRussian ChantGlendalough MassIt is good to give thanks, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)My God, accept my heart this dayGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBe thou my visionIn the Lord I'll be ever thankfulAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
1st Sunday in LentC2019-03-10 00:00:00Forty days and forty nightsRussian ChantNo GloriaBe with me, O Lord, in my distressPraise to you O Christ (416)All that I amBakhitaBakhita - Save UsBakhitaWarringtonLord Jesus, think on meGuide me, O thou great redeemer
2nd Sunday in LentC2019-03-17 00:00:00Immortal, InvisibleRussian ChantNo GloriaThe Lord is my light and my helpPraise to you O Christ (416)In bread we bring you LordBakhitaBakhita - Save UsBakhitaWarringtonChrist be our lightShine Jesus Shine
3rd Sunday in LentC2019-03-24 00:00:00O God, you search meRussian ChantNo GloriaThe Lord is compassion and lovePraise to you O Christ (416)Father and life-giverBakhitaBakhita - Save UsBakhitaWarringtonThere's a wideness in God's mercyGuide me, O thou great redeemer
4th Sunday in LentC2019-03-31 00:00:00Lord Jesus, Think on meSaidNo GloriaThe Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall wantPraise to you O Christ (416)Take our breadBakhitaBakhita - Save UsBakhitaWarringtonThe cry of the poorWalk with me, O my Lord
5th Sunday in LentC2019-04-07 00:00:00Christ be our LightSaidNo GloriaWhat marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we were gladPraise to you O Christ (416)My God, accept my heart this dayBakhitaBakhita - We proclaimBakhitaWarringtonGather us inPraise my soul, the King of Heaven
Palm SundayC2019-04-14 00:00:00HosannaRussian ChantNo GloriaMy God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?Praise to you O Christ (416)All Glory, Laud and HonourGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassThe Servant KingJesus Remember MeRide on, ride on in majesty
Maundy ThursdayC2019-04-18 00:00:00See Separate Sheet
Good FridayC2019-04-19 00:00:00See Separate Sheet
Easter VigilC2019-04-20 00:00:00See Separate Sheet
Easter SundayC2019-04-21 00:00:00Jesus Christ is Risen TodayRussian ChantGlendalough MassThis day was made by the Lord, we rejoice and are gladAlleluia (Celtic)Upon Thy TableGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassRegina CaeliLaudate Dominum (Taizé) (346); Surrexit Christus (672)Thine be the Glory
2nd Sunday of EasterC2019-04-28 00:00:00Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen LordRussian ChantGlendalough MassGive thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no endAlleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassBread of life (standard verses)Surrexit ChristusChrist be our Light
3rd Sunday of EasterC2019-05-05 00:00:00Thine be the GloryRussian ChantGlendalough MassI will praise you Lord, you have rescued meAlleluia (Celtic)Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassOne bread, One bodySurrexit ChristusI will be with you
4th Sunday of EasterC2019-05-12 00:00:00Christ be our LightRussian ChantGlendalough MassWe are his people, the sheep of his flockAlleluia (Celtic)Take our breadGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBecause the Lord is my shepherdThe king of love, my shepherd is
5th Sunday of EasterC2019-05-19 00:00:00We walk by faithRussian ChantGlendalough MassI will bless your name for ever, O God my KingAlleluia (Celtic)A new commandment (verse 1 only)Glendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassLord, your love has drawn us nearWe are Called
6th Sunday of EasterC2019-05-26 00:00:00Christ is made a sure foundationRussian ChantGlendalough MassLet the peoples praise you, O God; Let all the peoples praise youAlleluia (Celtic)Unless a grain of wheatGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassThis is my bodyAbba, Father, Send your spirit
7th Sunday of EasterC2019-06-02 00:00:00Alleluia, Sing to JesusRussian ChantGlendalough MassThe Lord is King, most high above all the earthAlleluia (Celtic)Immortal, InvisibleGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassWe come to share our storyThine be the Glory
PentecostC2019-06-09 00:00:00Come Holy Ghost Creator, ComeRussian ChantGlendalough MassSend forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earthAlleluia (Celtic)Breath on me, Breath of GodGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassCome down, O love divineWe are Called
Trinity SundayC2019-06-16 00:00:00Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead usRussian ChantGlendalough MassHow great is your name, O Lord our God, through all the earthAlleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassHoly, Holy, Holy, Lord God AlmightyShine, Jesus, Shine
Corpus ChristiC2019-06-23 00:00:00O Praise our great and gracious LordRussian ChantGlendalough MassYour are a priest forever, a priest like Melchizedek of oldAlleluia (Celtic)Gifts of Bread and WineGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassThis is my bodyAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
SS Peter & PaulC2019-06-30 00:00:00For all the saintsRussian ChantGlendalough MassThe angel of the Lord rescues those who revere HimAlleluia (Celtic)Let all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassDear Lord and Father of MankindOur God Reigns
14th Sunday in OTC2019-07-07 00:00:00Seek ye firstRussian ChantGlendalough MassCry out with joy to God, all the earthAlleluia (Celtic)My God, accept my heart this dayGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBread of lifeThe Kingdom of God
15th Sunday in OTC2019-07-14 00:00:00A new commandmentRussian ChantGlendalough MassSeek the Lord, you who are poor, and your hearts will reviveAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassThere is a longingChrist be our Light
16th Sunday in OTC2019-07-21 00:00:00All are welcomeRussian ChantGlendalough MassThe just will live in the presence of the LordAlleluia (Celtic)See us Lord about thine altarGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBe still, for the presence of the LordLike a sea without a shore
17th Sunday in OTC2019-07-28 00:00:00Seek ye firstRussian ChantGlendalough MassOn the day I called, You answered me, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassAll my hope on God is foundedSing of the Lord's Goodness
18th Sunday in OTC2019-08-04 00:00:00Be thou my visionRussian ChantGlendalough MassO that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your heartsAlleluia (Celtic)Immortal, InvisibleGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBecause the Lord is my shepherdDear Lord and Father of Mankind
19th Sunday in OTC2019-08-11 00:00:00Lord of all hopefulnessRussian ChantGlendalough MassHappy the people the Lord has chosen as his ownAlleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGather us inColours of Day
The Assumption of our LadyC2019-08-15 00:00:00Hail Queen of HeavenSaidGlendalough MassSaidAlleluia (Celtic)As I kneel before youSaidWhen we eat (said)SaidSaidRegina CaeliI'll sing a hymn to MaryHoly Virgin, by God’s decree
20th Sunday in OTC2019-08-18 00:00:00Here I am LordRussian ChantGlendalough MassLord, come to our aidAlleluia (Celtic)All ye who seek a comfort sureGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassFather, in my life I seeIn the Lord I'll be ever thankfulLead us, Heavenly Father, lead us
21st Sunday in OTC2019-08-25 00:00:00Gather us InRussian ChantGlendalough MassGo out to the whole world: proclaim the Good NewsAlleluia (Celtic)Seek ye firstGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassOne bread, One bodyTell out my soul
22nd Sunday in OTC2019-09-01 00:00:00The Servant SongRussian ChantGlendalough MassIn your goodness, O God, you prepared a home for the poorAlleluia (Celtic)See us Lord about Thine altarGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassThe cry of the poorWe are Called
23rd Sunday in OTC2019-09-08 00:00:00Christ be beside meRussian ChantGlendalough MassO Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to the nextAlleluia (Celtic)All that I amGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBe thou my visionWill you come and follow me
24th Sunday in OTC2019-09-15 00:00:00There's a wideness in God's mercyRussian ChantGlendalough MassI will leave this place and go to my FatherAlleluia (Celtic)Lord, your love has drawn us nearGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassO the love of my LordSing of the Lord's Goodness
25th Sunday in OTC2019-09-22 00:00:00Siya HambaOtu EtengGlendalough MassPraise the Lord who raised the poorAlleluia (Celtic)Aseda, yede ma onyame (Ghanaian)Glendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassAgnus Dei (Mass XVIII)Eu Sou O Pao Vivo (Portugese)He's got the whole world in his hand
26th Sunday in OTC2019-09-29 00:00:00Gather us InRussian ChantGlendalough MassMy soul give praise to the LordAlleluia (Celtic)Immortal, InvisibleGlendalough MassSave us, Saviour of the worldGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBread for the WorldChrist be our Light
27th Sunday in OT - 10:00amC2019-10-06 00:00:00We walk by faithRussian ChantGlendalough MassO that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your heartsAlleluia (Celtic)Take My HandsGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassAll my hope on God is foundedWalk with me, O my Lord
27th Sunday in OT - 12:00pmC2019-10-06 00:00:00All over the worldRussian ChantGlendalough MassO that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your heartsAlleluia (Celtic)Take My HandsGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassAll my hope on God is foundedWalk in the Light
28th Sunday in OTC2019-10-13 00:00:00Be still, for the presence of the LordRussian ChantGlendalough MassThe Lord has shown his salvation to the nationsAlleluia (Celtic)Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassWe cannot measure how you healGod is Love, His the care
29th Sunday in OTC2019-10-20 00:00:00All my hope on God is foundedRussian ChantGlendalough MassOur help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earthAlleluia (Celtic)All ye who seek a comfort sureGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassCentre of my lifeTell out my soul
30th Sunday in OTC2019-10-27 00:00:00Dear Lord and Father of MankindRussian ChantGlendalough MassThis poor man called; the Lord heard himAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassThe cry of the poorWe are Called
All Saints DayC2019-11-01 00:00:00Here I am LordSpokenGlendalough MassSuch are the men who seek your face, O Lord (Spoken)Alleluia (Celtic)Blest are the pure in heartSpokenWhen we eat (spoken)SpokenSpokenHoly, Holy, Holy, Lord God AlmightyFor all the saints
31st Sunday in OTC2019-11-03 00:00:00Amazing GraceRussian ChantGlendalough MassI will bless your name for ever, O God my KingAlleluia (Celtic)My God, accept my heart this dayGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBecause the Lord is my shepherdPraise my soul, the King of Heaven
32nd Sunday in OTC2019-11-10 00:00:00The Church's One FoundationRussian ChantGlendalough MassI shall be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)Blessed be GodGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassI am the bread of lifeSoul of my saviour
33rd Sunday in OTC2019-11-17 00:00:00The King shall comeRussian ChantGlendalough MassThe comes to rule the peoples with fairnessAlleluia (Celtic)Gather us InGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassHow Great Thou ArtWait for the LordOur God Reigns
Christ the KingC2019-11-24 00:00:00Holy God, we praise thy nameRussian ChantGlendalough MassI rejoiced when I heard them say, let us go to God's houseAlleluia (Celtic)Majesty, Worship His MajestyGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassMy Song is Love unknownHail Redeemer, King Divine
1st Sunday in AdventA2019-12-01 00:00:00Hark a Herald Voice is CallingKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaI rejoiced when I heard them say, let us go to God's houseAlleluia (Chant Mode VI)Like a sea without a shoreBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonLet all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceColours of Day
2nd Sunday in AdventA2019-12-08 00:00:00The cry of the poorKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaIn his days justice shall flourish, and peace till the moon failsAlleluia (Chant Mode VI)O comfort my peopleBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonChrist be our LightOn Jordan's Bank
3rd Sunday in AdventA2019-12-15 00:00:00All are welcomeKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaCome, Lord, and Save UsAlleluia (Chant Mode VI)O Come, O Come EmmanuelBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonBlest be the LordThe Kingdom of God
4th Sunday in AdventA2019-12-22 00:00:00The Angel GabrielKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaLet the Lord enter! He is the King of Glory.Alleluia (Chant Mode VI)Blessed be GodBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonThe King shall comeHoly Virgin, by God’s decree
Christmas Vigil Mass (6:30pm)A2019-12-24 00:00:00O Come, All Ye FaithfulAndersonHalle, Halle, HalleThe Virgin Mary had a baby boyGlendalough MassSaidSaidSaidSilent NightHark the Herald Angels Sing
Christmas - Midnight Mass2019-12-24 00:00:00Carols and readings - See separate sheet
Christmas DayA2019-12-25 00:00:00Joy to the WorldKyrie 1 (Taizé)Christmastide GloriaAll the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.Gospel Greeting (Farrell)Away in a MangerGlendalough MassO Come Let Us Adore Him (520)Glendalough MassWarringtonGod rest you merry, GentlemenHark the Herald Angels Sing
St. Stephen's DayA2019-12-26 00:00:00Good King WenceslasSaid SaidSpokenSaidBlessed be GodSaidSaidSaidSaidThe Light of ChristSt. Stephen's Guild Hymn (tune of Alleluia, Sing to Jesus)
Holy FamilyA2019-12-29 00:00:00Once in Royal David's CityKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassO blessed are those who fear the Lord, and walk in his waysAlleluia (Celtic)As I kneel before youGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassWarringtonInfant HolyAngels we have heard
Mary, Mother of GodA2020-01-01 00:00:00Holy Virgin, by God’s decreeSaidSaidSpokenAlleluia (Chant Mode VI)As I kneel before youSaidSaidSaidSaidWhere are you boundImmaculate Mary
The Epiphany of the LordA2020-01-05 00:00:00O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holinessKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassAll nations shall fall prostrate before you, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)We Three KingsGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassWarringtonBread of life (Christmas verses)The First Nowell
Baptism of the LordA2020-01-12 00:00:00Here I am LordKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassThe Lord will bless his people with peaceAlleluia (Celtic)On Jordan's BankGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassWarringtonThe Light of ChristChrist be our Light
2nd Sunday in OTA2020-01-19 00:00:00Servant KingKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassHere I am, Lord! I come to do your willAlleluia (Celtic)All that I amGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassWarringtonBlest be the Lord (Benedictus)Our God Reigns
3rd Sunday in OTA2020-01-26 00:00:00We are CalledKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassThe Lord is my light and my helpAlleluia (Celtic)As the deer pantsGlendalough MassWe proclaim…Glendalough MassWarringtonThe Kingdom of GodShine, Jesus, Shine
The Presentation of the LordA2020-02-02 00:00:00Christ be our LightKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassWho is the King of Glory? It is the Lord.Alleluia (Celtic)Gather us InGlendalough MassWhen we eat…Glendalough MassWarringtonLift up your heads, ye mighty gatesMy soul rejoices
5th Sunday in OTA 2020-02-09 00:00:00Bread for the WorldKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassThe good man is the light in the darkness for the uprightAlleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithGlendalough MassWhen we eat…Glendalough MassWarringtonChrist be our LightWe are Called
6th Sunday in OTA2020-02-16 00:00:00Blest are the pure in heartKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassThey are happy who follow God's lawAlleluia (Celtic)My God, accept my heart this dayGlendalough MassWhen we eat…Glendalough MassWarringtonTake my lifeThe Kingdom of God
Funeral2020-02-17 00:00:00I watch the SunriseSaidSaidSpokenMake me a channel of your peaceGlendalough MassWhen we eat…Glendalough MassWarringtonAmazing GraceSam Fransisk Xaveria
7th Sunday in OTA2020-02-23 00:00:00Make me a channel of your peaceKyrie 1 (Taizé)Glendalough MassThe Lord is compassion and loveAlleluia (Celtic)A new commandmentGlendalough MassWhen we eat…Glendalough MassWarringtonThere's a wideness in God's mercyFor the healing of the nations (tune: Mannheim)
Ash WednesdayA2020-02-26 00:00:00Here I am LordSaidNo GloriaSpokenPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryForty days and forty nightsSaidSaidSaidSaidThis is my bodyDear Lord and Father of Mankind
1st Sunday in LentA2020-03-01 00:00:00Forty days and forty nightsKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaHave mercy on us Lord, fo rwe have sinnedPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryIn bread we bring you LordBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonDear Lord and Father of MankindLead us, Heavenly Father, lead us
2nd Sunday in LentA2020-03-08 00:00:00Immortal, InvisibleKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaMay your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in youGlory to you, O Christ, You ar the word of GodSee us Lord about thine altarBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonMy God Loves MeBe thou my vision
3rd Sunday in LentA2020-03-15 00:00:00All are welcomeKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaO that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your heartsPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryAs the deer pantsBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonSoul of my saviourGuide me, O thou great redeemer
4th Sunday in LentA2020-03-22 00:00:00Gather us InKyrie 1 (Taizé)No GloriaThe Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall wantGlory to you, O Christ, You ar the word of GodWe walk by faithBakhitaSave us, Saviour of the worldBakhitaWarringtonBecause the Lord is my shepherdThe Light of Christ
5th Sunday in LentA2020-03-29 00:00:00No Mass
Palm SundayA2020-04-05 00:00:00No Mass
Easter SundayA2020-04-12 00:00:00No Mass
Divine Mercy Sunday (2nd Sun of Easter)A2020-04-19 00:00:00Like a sea without a shoreSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBread for the WorldWe walk by faith
3rd Sunday of EasterA2020-04-26 00:00:00Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen LordSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBread of LifeI will be with you
4th Sunday of EasterA2020-05-03 00:00:00The king of love, my shepherd isSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBecause the Lord is my shepherdHail Redeemer, King Divine
5th Sunday of EasterA2020-05-10 00:00:00A new commandmentSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGather us InAs I kneel before you
6th Sunday of EasterA2020-05-17 00:00:00O God, you search meSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThis is my bodyI will be with you
7th Sunday of EasterA2020-05-24 00:00:00Praise him as he mounts the skiesSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidAlleluia, Sing to JesusWalk in the Light
PentecostA2020-05-31 00:00:00Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Walker)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidCome Holy Ghost Creator, ComeAll over the world
Holy TrinityA2020-06-07 00:00:00Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead usSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidFather, in my life I seeTo God be the Glory
Corpus ChristiA2020-06-14 00:00:00See us Lord about thine altarSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThis is my bodyAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
12th Sunday in OTA2020-06-21 00:00:00Christ be our LightSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBe not afraidWalk with me, O my Lord
SS Peter & PaulA2020-06-28 00:00:00Faith of our fathersSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThe Church's One FoundationOur God Reigns
14th Sunday in OTA2020-07-05 00:00:00Earthen VesselsSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidAll ye who seek a comfort sureO the Love of the LordSing of the Lord's Goodness
15th Sunday in OTA2020-07-12 00:00:00O the word of my LordSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidAs earth that is drySing of the Lord's Goodness
16th Sunday in OTA2020-07-19 00:00:00The Kingdom of GodSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidWe plough the fields and scatterFor the fruits of his creation
17th Sunday in OTA2020-07-26 00:00:00Seek ye firstSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidLord your word abidethChrist be beside me
18th Sunday in OTA2020-08-02 00:00:00Come to the WaterSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBread for the WorldAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
19th Sunday in OTA2020-08-09 00:00:00Do not be afraidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBecause the Lord is my shepherdGuide me, O thou great redeemer
Assumption of the BVMA2020-08-16 00:00:00Holy Virgin, by God’s decreeSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidMy soul proclaims the greatness of the LordAs I kneel before you
21st Sunday in OTA2020-08-23 00:00:00Be thou my visionSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBread of LifeWe walk by faith
22nd Sunday in OTA2020-08-30 00:00:00From heaven you cameSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGather your people, O LordO Christe Domine JesuFollow me
23rd Sunday in OTA2020-09-06 00:00:00A new commandmentSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThis is my bodyLaudate, Laudate Dominum
24th Sunday in OTA2020-09-13 00:00:00Lord, make me a means of your peaceSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThere's a wideness in God's mercyUbi CaritasGod is Love, His the care
25th Sunday in OTA2020-09-20 00:00:00Immortal, InvisibleSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThe Kingdom of GodBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Tell out my soul
26th Sunday in OTA2020-09-27 00:00:00Servant KingSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidI will be the vineJesus Remember MeLead us, Heavenly Father, lead us
27th Sunday in OTA2020-10-04 00:00:00I will be the vineSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidOne bread, One bodyLord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us (Taizé)Here I am Lord
28th Sunday in OTA2020-10-11 00:00:00All are welcomeSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBecause the Lord is my shepherdEat this bread
Christ be our Light
29th Sunday in OTA2020-10-18 00:00:00Holy God, we praise thy nameSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidAll my hope on God is foundedBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Laudate Dominum (Taizé)
30th Sunday in OTA2020-10-25 00:00:00A new commandmentSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidO God I seek youUbi CaritasChrist be our Light
All Saints DayA2020-11-01 00:00:00Here I am LordSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBlest are the pure in heartUbi CaritasFor all the saints
32nd Sunday in OTA2020-11-08 00:00:00No music this week (Zoom Mass)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaid
33rd Sunday in OTA2020-11-15 00:00:00Gather your people, O LordSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidServant SongHow Great Thou Art
Christ the KingA2020-11-22 00:00:00O Worship the KingSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBecause the Lord is my shepherdHail Redeemer, King Divine
1st Sunday in AdventB2020-11-29 00:00:00Hark a Herald Voice is CallingSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidLike a sea without a shoreAll over the world
2nd Sunday in AdventB2020-12-06 00:00:00O comfort my peopleSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGathered in the Love of ChristWait for the LordChrist be our Light
3rd Sunday in AdventB2020-12-13 00:00:00My soul rejoicesSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGather us InConfitemini DominoGo tell everyone
4th Sunday in AdventB2020-12-20 00:00:00O Come, O Come EmmanuelSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThe Angel GabrielWait for the LordHoly Virgin, by God’s decree
Christmas Eve (6:30pm)B2020-12-24 00:00:00O Come, All Ye FaithfulSaidChristmas GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSilent NightAway in a MangerHark the Herald Angels Sing
Christmas Eve (11:30pm)B2020-12-24 00:00:00Come to the MangerSaidChristmas GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBread of life (Christmas verses)The First NowellAngels we have heard
Christmas DayB2020-12-25 00:00:00Joy to the WorldSaidChristmas GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidAway in a MangerGod rest you merry, GentlemenHark the Herald Angels Sing
St. Stephen's DayB2020-12-26 00:00:00Good King WenceslasSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidThe Light of ChristAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
Holy FamilyB2020-12-27 00:00:00Once in Royal David's CitySaidChristmas GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidLike a child restsLord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us (Taizé)Angels we have heard
New Year's EveB2020-12-31 00:00:00As I kneel before youSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidNow thank we all our GodIn the Lord I'll be ever thankfulThanks be to God
Mary, Mother of GodB2021-01-01 00:00:00Holy Virgin, by God’s decreeSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidWhere are you boundImmaculate Mary
2nd Sunday after ChristmasB2021-01-03 00:00:00Angels we have heardSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidIt came upon the midnight clearSilent NightDing Dong Merrily on High
Baptism of the LordB2021-01-10 00:00:00Come to the WaterSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGathered in the Love of ChristIn the Lord I'll be ever thankfulOn Jordan's Bank
2nd Sunday in OTB2021-01-17 00:00:00Here I am LordSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidCentre of my lifeO Lord hear my prayerWill you come and follow me
3rd Sunday in OTB2021-01-24 00:00:00All people that on earth do dwellSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGathered in the Love of ChristIn love you summonGo tell everyone
4th Sunday in OTB2021-01-31 00:00:00Be still, for the presence of the LordSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidHow Great Thou ArtBe still and know that I am GodThe Light of Christ
5th Sunday in OTB2021-02-07 00:00:00Gather us InSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidHealer of our every illNada te turbeWalk with me, O my Lord
6th Sunday in OTB2021-02-14 00:00:00All my hope on God is foundedSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidLay your handsBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Praise my soul, the King of Heaven
1st Sunday of LentB2021-02-21 00:00:00Be not afraidSaidNo GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidForty days and forty nightsJesus Remember MeLead us, Heavenly Father, lead us
2nd Sunday of LentB2021-02-28 00:00:00Here I am LordSaidNo GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidWe are CalledBe still and know that I am GodChrist be our Light
3rd Sunday of LentB2021-03-07 00:00:00Christ TriumphantSaidNo GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidLord Jesus Christ, you have come to usTaste and SeeHow Great Thou Art
4th Sunday of LentB2021-03-14 00:00:00Vaster far than any oceanSaidNo GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidMy Song is Love unknownO Christe Domine JesuThe Light of Christ
5th Sunday of LentB2021-03-21 00:00:00Soul of my saviourSaidNo GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidUnless a grain of wheatO God I seek youLift high the cross
Palm SundayB2021-03-28 00:00:00All Glory, Laud and HonourSaidNo GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidO Sacred Head, ill-usedJesus Remember MeRide on, ride on in majesty
Maundy ThursdayB2021-04-01 00:00:00We are CalledSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidI will be the vineUbi CaritasOf the Glorious Body Telling
Good FridayB2021-04-02 00:00:00SILENTSaidNo GloriaSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidMy Song is Love unknownUbi CaritasSILENT
Easter VigilB2021-04-03 00:00:00Exsultet (Walker)SaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidChrist be our LightSurrexit ChristusThine be the Glory
Easter SundayB2021-04-04 00:00:00Jesus Christ is Risen TodaySaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGathered in the Love of ChristSurrexit ChristusAlleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
Divine Mercy Sunday (2nd Sun of Easter)B2021-04-11 00:00:00We walk by faithSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidGather us InSurrexit ChristusPraise my soul, the King of Heaven
3rd Sunday of EasterB2021-04-18 00:00:00Christ be our LightSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidSaidBread for the WorldConfitemini DominoThine be the Glory
4th Sunday of EasterB2021-04-25 00:00:00The king of love, my shepherd isSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidThe stone which the builder rejectedSaidSaidSaidSaidBecause the Lord is my shepherdSurrexit ChristusAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
5th Sunday of EasterB2021-05-02 00:00:00All people that on earth do dwellSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidA new commandmentSaidSaidSaidSaidI will be the vineEat this bread
Jesus Christ is Risen Today
6th Sunday of EasterB2021-05-09 00:00:00All are welcomeSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidUnless a grain of wheatSaidSaidSaidSaidThis is my bodyUbi CaritasAlleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
7th Sunday of EasterB2021-05-16 00:00:00Praise him as he mounts the skiesSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidNow the green blade risethSaidSaidSaidSaidNow in this banquetBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Thine be the Glory
PentecostB2021-05-23 00:00:00Come Holy Ghost Creator, ComeSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidBreath on me, Breath of GodSaidSaidSaidSaidCentre of my lifeVeni, Sancte Spiritus (Walker)Go tell everyone
Holy TrinityB2021-05-30 00:00:00Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead usSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidBlest are you LordSaidSaidSaidSaidFather, in my life I seeIn love you summonHoly, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
Corpus ChristiB2021-06-06 00:00:00Bread for the WorldSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidGifts of Bread and WineSaidSaidSaidSaidThis is my bodyEat this bread
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
11th Sunday in OTB2021-06-13 00:00:00We plough the fields and scatterSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidCome, ye thankful people, comeSaidSaidSaidSaidUnless a grain of wheatSalve Regina (plainchant)For the fruits of his creation
12th Sunday in OTB2021-06-20 00:00:00Here I am LordSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidWe walk by faithSaidSaidSaidSaidDo not be afraidIn the Lord I'll be ever thankfulWalk with me, O my Lord
13th Sunday in OTB2021-06-27 00:00:00We cannot measure how you healSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidHealer of our every illSaidSaidSaidSaidBe not afraidEat this bread
Like a sea without a shore
14th Sunday in OTB2021-07-04 00:00:00Gathered in the Love of ChristSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidHere I am LordSaidSaidSaidSaidBlest be the Lord (Benedictus)Taste and SeeGo tell everyone
15th Sunday in OTB2021-07-11 00:00:00O the word of my LordSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidLord accept the gifts we offerSaidSaidSaidSaidBe not afraidEat this bread
Follow me
16th Sunday in OTB2021-07-18 00:00:00Lord of all hopefulnessSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidShepherd me O GodSaidSaidSaidSaidBecause the Lord is my shepherdNada te turbeThe king of love, my shepherd is
17th Sunday in OTB2021-07-25 00:00:00Gather us InSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidIn bread we bring you LordSaidSaidSaidSaidBread for the WorldBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Sing of the Lord's Goodness
18th Sunday in OTB2021-08-01 00:00:00Alleluia, Sing to JesusSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidLord accept the gifts we offerSaidSaidSaidSaidI am the bread of lifeEat this bread
Guide me, O thou great redeemer
19th Sunday in OTB2021-08-08 00:00:00See us, Lord, about thine altarSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidFather and life-giverSaidSaidSaidSaidBread for the WorldTaste and SeePraise now your God
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryB2021-08-15 00:00:00Holy Virgin, by God’s decreeSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidAs I kneel before youSaidSaidSaidSaidHail Queen of HeavenRegina CaeliTell out my soul
21st Sunday in OTB2021-08-22 00:00:00Be thou my visionSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidOn Eagles WingsSaidSaidSaidSaidGathered in the Love of ChristNada te turbeGuide me, O thou great redeemer
22nd Sunday in OTB2021-08-29 00:00:00Blest are the pure in heartSaidGlendalough MassSaidSaidSeek ye firstSaidSaidSaidSaidLord, make me a means of your peaceUbi CaritasChrist, be our light
23rd Sunday in OTB2021-09-05 00:00:00We cannot measure how you healSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidHealer of our every illSaidSaidSaidSaidCome to the WaterBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Praise my soul, the King of Heaven
24th Sunday in OTB2021-09-12 00:00:00All my hope on God is foundedSaidGloria VIII (de angelis)SaidSaidLet all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceSaidSaidSaidSaidServant KingLord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us (Taizé)To God be the Glory
25th Sunday in OTB2021-09-19 00:00:00O God, you search meSaidStorrington MassSaidSaidAll ye who seek a comfort sureSaidSaidSaidSaidGather your people, O LordUbi CaritasPraise to the holiest in the height
26th Sunday in OTB2021-09-26 00:00:00All are welcomeSaidStorrington MassSaidAlleluia (Celtic)See us Lord about thine altarGlendaloughGlendalough - Save UsGlendaloughGlendaloughBecause the Lord is my shepherdConfitemini DominoLaudate Dominum (Walker)
27th Sunday in OTB2021-10-03 00:00:00Gathered in the Love of ChristKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Take My HandsGlendaloughGlendalough - When we EatGlendaloughGlendaloughOne bread, One bodyUbi CaritasBind us together
28th Sunday in OTB2021-10-10 00:00:00Christ be beside meKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSaidAlleluia (Celtic)All that I amGlendaloughGlendalough - Save UsGlendaloughGlendaloughAll my hope on God is foundedIn love you summonWill you come and follow me
29th Sunday in OTB2021-10-17 00:00:00Gather us InKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)Servant KingGlendaloughGlendalough - When we EatGlendaloughGlendaloughChrist, be our lightAdoramus Te DomineHow Great Thou Art
30th Sunday in OTB2021-10-24 00:00:00Praise my soul, the King of HeavenKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithGlendaloughGlendalough - Save UsGlendaloughGlendaloughBe thou my visionNada te turbeColours of Day
All Saints DayB2021-10-31 00:00:00I, the Lord of Sea and SkyKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)Blest are the pure in heartGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughBread of life (standard verses)Adoramus Te DomineFor all the saints
32nd Sunday in OTB2021-11-07 00:00:00The cry of the poorKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)All that I amGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughBread for the WorldUbi CaritasWalk with me, O my Lord
33rd Sunday in OTB2021-11-14 00:00:00Love divine, all loves excellingKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)Let all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughCentre of my lifeWait for the LordShine, Jesus, Shine
Christ the KingB2021-11-21 00:00:00Christ TriumphantKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassSungAlleluia (Celtic)Majesty, Worship His MajestyGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughO Worship the KingLaudate Dominum (Taizé)Hail Redeemer, King Divine
1st Sunday in AdventC2021-11-28 00:00:00There is a longingKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaSaidAlleluia (Celtic)Let all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonBenedictus (Farrell)Wait for the LordLike a sea without a shore
2nd Sunday in AdventC2021-12-05 00:00:00Gather us InKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaSung?Alleluia (Celtic)O comfort my peopleBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonBenedictus (Farrell)Wait for the LordOn Jordan's Bank
3rd Sunday in AdventC2021-12-12 00:00:00There is a longingKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaSungAlleluia (Chant Mode VI)O comfort my peopleBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonBenedictus (Farrell)In the Lord I'll be ever thankfulOn Jordan's Bank
4th Sunday in AdventC2021-12-19 00:00:00O Come, O Come EmmanuelKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaSungAlleluia (Chant Mode VI)The Angel GabrielBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonMagnificat (Ward) - Holy Virgin, by God’s decree
Christmas - Midnight MassC2021-12-24 00:00:00Carols and readings - See separate sheetNo KyrieChristmas GloriaToday a Saviour has been born to us, he is Christ the LordGospel Greeting (Farrell)What shall we giveGlendaloughO Come Let Us Adore Him (520)GlendaloughGlendaloughBread of LifeThe First NowellAngels we have heard
Christmas DayC2021-12-25 00:00:00Joy to the WorldKyrie 1 (Taizé)Christmas GloriaAll the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.Gospel Greeting (Farrell)Away in a MangerGlendaloughO Come Let Us Adore Him (520)GlendaloughGlendaloughOn Christmas night all Christians sing (Sussex Carol)Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Holy FamilyC2021-12-26 00:00:00Unto us is born a SonKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassO blessed are those who fear the Lord, and walk in his waysAlleluia (Celtic)In the bleak midwinterGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughGlendaloughLike a child restsInfant HolyAngels we have heard
Mary, Mother of GodC2022-01-01 00:00:00Immaculate MarySaidStorrington MassO God, be gracious and bless usAlleluia (Celtic)As I kneel before youGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassWhere are you boundHoly Virgin, by God’s decree
2nd Sunday after ChristmasC2022-01-02 00:00:00The Light of ChristKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassThe word was made flesh, and lived among usAlleluia (Celtic)See, amid the winters' snowGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassLet all Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceUnto us is born a Son
Baptism of the LordC2022-01-09 00:00:00On Jordan's BankKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassBless the Lord, my soul! Lord God, how great you areAlleluia (Celtic)Infant HolyGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassHail to the Lord's AnointedO Praise ye the Lord
2nd Sunday in OTC2022-01-16 00:00:00Praise to the Lord, the AlmightyKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassProclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peopleAlleluia (Celtic)Gifts of Bread and WineGlendalough MassWhen we eat this breadGlendalough MassGlendalough MassOne bread, One bodyTaste and SeeHail to the Lord's Anointed
3rd Sunday in OTC2022-01-23 00:00:00O the word of my LordKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassYour words are spirit, Lord, and they are lifeAlleluia (Celtic)Immortal, InvisibleGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassSee us Lord about thine altarGo tell everyone
4th Sunday in OTC2022-01-30 00:00:00All my hope on God is foundedKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassMy lips will tell of your helpAlleluia (Celtic)Be thou my visionGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassLove divine, all loves excellingWalk with me, O my Lord
5th Sunday in OTC2022-02-06 00:00:00Here I am LordKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassBefore the angels I will bless You, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)Take My HandsGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassDear Lord and Father of MankindSanto, santo, santoFollow me
6th Sunday in OTC2022-02-13 00:00:00Blest are the pure in heartKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassHappy the man who has put his trust in the LordAlleluia (Celtic)Blessed be GodGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassBe not afraidBe still and know that I am GodTell out my soul
7th Sunday in OTC2022-02-20 00:00:00For the healing of the nations (tune: Mannheim)Kyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassThe Lord is compassion and loveAlleluia (Celtic)Servant SongGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassLord, make me a means of your peaceBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Praise my soul, the King of Heaven
8th Sunday in OTC2022-02-27 00:00:00Christ be beside meKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)Storrington MassIt is good to give thanks, O LordAlleluia (Celtic)In bread we bring you LordGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGlendalough MassGathered in the Love of ChristIn the Lord I'll be ever thankfulLike a sea without a shore
Ash WednesdayC2022-03-02 00:00:00Dear Lord and Father of MankindKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaHave mercy on us Lord, for we have sinnedPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryMy God, accept my heart this dayBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonThere is a longingGod to enfold youGuide me, O thou great redeemer
1st Sunday in LentC2022-03-06 00:00:00Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead usKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaBe with me, Lord, in my distressPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryLord Jesus, Think on meBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonBe not afraidJesus Remember MeForty days and forty nights
2nd Sunday in LentC2022-03-13 00:00:00Immortal, InvisibleKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaThe Lord is my light and my helpPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryBe still, for the presence of the LordBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonThere's a wideness in God's mercyBe still and know that I am GodChrist be our Light
3rd Sunday in LentC2022-03-20 00:00:00Here I am LordKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaThe Lord is compassion and lovePraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryO God, you search meBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonO God I seek youNada te turbeGuide me, O thou great redeemer
4th Sunday in LentC2022-03-27 00:00:00Amazing GraceKyrie 1 (Taizé - 516)No GloriaTaste and see that the Lord is goodPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryTake our breadBakhitaBakhitaBakhitaWarringtonShepherd me O GodBless the Lord, my soul (Taize)Walk with me, O my Lord
5th Sunday in LentC2022-04-03 00:00:00Christ, be our lightRussian (Ukrainian) Kyrie (519)No GloriaWhat marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we were gladPraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryMy God, accept my heart this dayBakhitaBakhita (Save us…)BakhitaWarringtonO the Love of the LordLord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us (Taizé)Praise to you, O Christ our Saviour
Palm SundayC2022-04-10 00:00:00HosannaRussian (Ukrainian) Kyrie (519)No GloriaMy God, My God, why have you forsaken mePraise to you O Christ, King of Eternal GloryAll Glory, Laud and HonourGlendalough MassGlendalough Mass - We Proclaim..Glendalough MassGlendalough MassServant KingJesus Remember MeRide on, ride on in majesty
Maundy ThursdayC2022-04-14 00:00:00The king of love, my shepherd isRussian (Ukrainian) Kyrie (519)Glendalough MassThe Blessing Cup that we bless, is a communion with the Blood of ChristA New Commandment (920)Take My HandsGlendalough MassGlendalough Mass - We Proclaim..Glendalough MassGlendalough MassThis is my bodyJesus Remember MeOf the Glorious Body Telling
Good FridayC2022-04-15 00:00:00Father, into your hands I commend my spiritChrist was Humbler YetWhen I survey the wondrous crossMy Song is Love unknownSoul of my saviourJesus Remember Me
Easter VigilC2022-04-16 00:00:00See Separate Sheet
Easter SundayC2022-04-17 00:00:00Jesus Christ is Risen TodayRussian (Ukrainian) Kyrie (519)Gloria VIII (de angelis)This day was made by the Lord; we rejoice and are gladAlleluia (Celtic)Upon Thy TableGlendalough MassGlendalough Mass - Save us...Glendalough MassGlendalough MassRegina CaeliSurrexit ChristusThine be the Glory
2nd Sunday of EasterC2022-04-24 00:00:00Thine be the GloryRussian (Ukrainian) Kyrie (519)Gloria VIII (de angelis)Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end.Alleluia (Celtic)We walk by faithGlendalough MassGlendalough Mass - Save us…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassBread of life (standard verses)Surrexit ChristusAlleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
3rd Sunday of EasterC2022-05-01 00:00:00Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Full Version)Russian (Ukrainian) Kyrie (519)Gloria VIII (de angelis)I will praise you Lord, you have rescued meAlleluia (Celtic)Take our breadGlendalough MassGlendalough Mass - Save us…Glendalough MassGlendalough MassOne bread, One bodyAdoramus Te DomineI will be with you
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