By profession I’m a Metallurgist, and have worked in the Oil/Gas/Petrochemical industry since I graduated from UMIST in 1979. Over the last 10 years I’ve moved more into management, and currently manage the Engineering team in the London office of a major consulting company. I’m a Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET) and a member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
Outside work, my two main interests are music and archery.
As a musician, I started piano lessons at age 10 or 11 but gave up lessons when I got to around grade 5 and took up guitar, though I continued to dabble with keyboards at school (being interested in electronics I built a homemade synthesiser) for fun. I was previously a soloist/cantor at SS Peter & Paul RC church in Mitcham, and then progressed to conducting the senior choir and eventually, after the death of the previous organist, I started playing for Masses using the JW Walker pipe organ which was built in the 1950s, but manuals only, I never touched the pedalboard.
Having moved to Our Lady of Assumption, I now play the church’s Johannus Opus 5 organ for the 10am Mass each Sunday, and for other major masses when I’m not working. For home practice I bought a second-hand Ringway RS480EU organ, as it has a 20 note pedal board – though only straight pedals so not exactly ‘classical’ but I’ve learned to use it fairly well and am working my way through some organ tutor books. I’m now able to play the pedals (on the Opus 5 too) to a reasonable extent; I’ve managed a few pedal runs in “Guide Me O Though Great Redeemer” but still a long way to go.
I also have an old Yamaha portable keyboard which I bought new around 30 years ago which I used for the childrens’ Mass for Christmas 2019, and a few guitars including a 12-string that needs a bridge repair, and a stratocaster electric. Apart from church and organ music, my musical tastes are rather eclectic, varying from Led Zeppelin through Pink Floyd to Manhattan Transfer and jazz.
I’m also a Level 2 Archery GB coach, and Chairman of Reigate Priory Bowmen. You can read more about the club if you click the link.